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New multicultural health plan welcomed

The Diversity Programs and Strategy Hub of the Sydney Local Health District has welcomed the release of The NSW Plan  for Healthy Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities: 2019-2023.

The new plan aims to ensure people from culturally and linguistcally diverse backgrounds have equitable access to health care services that are culturally responsive, safe and high quality.

There is widespread recognition that we need to do better in caring for the well being of people from diverse communities, according to Barbara Luisi, director of the Diversity Programs and Strategy Hub.

“There is a growing sense of urgency in NSW to do whatever it takes to improve the health care needs of people from diverse cultural backgrounds. The new plan will help us to refocus our effort to increase health service access and demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving the health of people from diverse cultural backgrounds,” Ms Luisi said
The Diversity Programs and Strategy Hub is currently finalising its own plans to support the new state plan and work more closely with key stakeholders to improve health care access to people from diverse backgrounds across Sydney and South East Local Health Districts.

International project benefits over one thousand students

More than one thousand international students in Sydney have benefited from the MHAHS International Student HIV Project.

The project aims to increase HIV health literacy, and promote access to HIV testing, prevention and treatment. The target audience is international students attending English language colleges in NSW.In partnership with Positive Life NSW, more than 41 education sessions have been delivered, reaching more than 1070 students in 2018.

Senior Community Engagement Officer, Wa'el Sabri, said: “The project was highly successful in 2018, and we are proud that together with our partners we are able to offer such quality HIV education sessions to international students.”
More than two thousand Safe sex packs, HIV educational resources and information in several languages were provided at ten English Language Colleges.

The project continues to foster new collaborations. Last year, an integrated skills module was developed, in partnership with an English College. This module will help teachers to use HIV as a topic when teaching English. This module will be piloted this year, and it is hoped it can be scaled more broadly to other colleges.

Much of the project’s success is due to its ability to be flexible to the needs of the participating colleges and students. The 2-part HIV information sessions include 1 session that focuses on on HIV testing, prevention and treatment, and 1 session delivered by a person living with HIV.

“Our sessions provide factual information about HIV, and also allow students to hear about the experiences of someone living with HIV. This raises awareness of stigma and discrimination, and adds a human element to the program.
 A key characteristic of our sessions is its ability to be flexible and adaptable in terms of its length, English language proficiency, cultural backgrounds. Evaluations suggest students have an increased understanding of HIV, and an increased awareness of HIV testing and prevention options following our session. A majority of students also indicate they are likely to share the information, which is really positive”, said Mr Sabri.

For more information about the International Students HIV Project, please contact Wa'el Sabri on 95151234 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MHAHS Celebrates International Women's Day at Free Expo Women’s Life Expo 2019

The Arabic Hepatitis B Project of the MHAHS attended the Women’s Health Expo in March to celebrate International Women's Day.

Organised by the Muslim Women Welfare Assocation (MWWA), the 2nd Women’s Life Expo showcases a range of displays around issues affecting women’s lives.

The expo provides Arabic women and their families an opportunity to find new and innovative ways of improving their day to day life, according to Arabic Community Hepatitis B Project Officer, Faten Solaqa.

“The expo gives Arabic women the opportunity to browse a wide range of health serrvices available in the Local Health District, gardening, lifestyle to locally produced foods, entertainment and masterclass workshops”.
“The MHAHS team was at hand to interact with the visitors at its information stall and explain how the project can help the communities prevent hepatitis B. The team will also have goody-bags ready, with fresh fruits containing Get Tested. Know Your Status hepatitis B message stickers. Stickers make hepatitis B information more accessible,” said Ms Solaqa.

For more information about the Arabic Community Hepatitis B Project, contact Faten Solaqa on 95151234 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MHAHS hosts Africultures festival stall

The MHAHS took hepatitis B information to the African community during the Africultures festival in March. The African Community Hepatitis B Project of the MHAHS hosted an information stall at the festival in Wyatt Park, Lidcombe NSW.

The community-run one-day festival is the largest of its kind in Australia, and showcases the diversity of African communities downunder through its foods, fashions and arts. Last year, around 30,000 people attended the vibrant festival.  

Cultural Support Workers from the MHAHS was on hand to talk to the community about how they can protect themselves from hepatitis B, according to project officer Lucy Mukoko.

“We also gave away free fruit with Get Tested. Know Your Status hepatitis B information stickers. Africultures was also about celebrating family and our hepatitis B sticker fruit was aimed at bringing families together by shedding more light on how they can protect one another by getting tested and if necessary, receive treatment, on time,” said Ms Mukoko.
African music, artists, dancers and drummers will take centre stage at the Kilimanjaro and Serengeti stand while rich foods from more than 16 African nations – from Ethiopian coffee, to South Sudanese and Somali will work its way magic at the appropriately named Nile Food Court. Fashion parades, drum and dance workshops, footy and soccer plays, along with the 40-plus market stalls for colourful clothing, fabrics, homewares, jewellery, etc complete what promises to be an entertaining open day picnic.

For more information about the African Community Hepatitis B Project, please contact Lucy Mukoko 0n 95151234 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.