7 Good Reasons to support NSW HIV Testing Week

An exciting new multilingual resource 7 Good Reasons to Test for HIV Now is set to be launched during this year’s HIV Testing Week starting June 1st. Produced by the MHAHS and Positive Life NSW, this new easy to read resource features  everyday people using every day language to explain the many benefits of regular HIV testing.

The resource directly complements this year’s campaign theme Never Tested for HIV? Get Tested Today, according to Barbara Luisi, Manager of the MHAHS.

“There are many reasons to get tested for HIV. Nearly one in ten Australians remain unaware of their HIV status, don’t get HIV medical care on time and can pass the virus on to others without knowing it. Taking the test is the only way to know for sure. The new 7 Good Reasons  to test provides  people the simple, easy to understand information they need regarding HIV testing," said Ms Luisi.

Funded by the NSW Health, the resource is available online at www.mhahs.org.au in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. 

The MHAHS is undertaking several initiatives during HIV Testing Week including  an ethnic media campaign in eight languages, a series of Facebook messages  and a free HIV Testing Week Toolkit containing all the digital assets for other organisations to use.

Visit our 7 Good Reasons to test for HIV Now resource page or the 2018 HIV Testing Week campaign page for more information.

New PSA campaign urges Arabic communities to ask their doctors for a hepatitis B test

The MHAHS along with the South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) have launched a new Public Service Announcements (PSAs) campaign encouraging listeners to ask their doctors for a hepatitis B test.

The campaign is being run in partnership with the key community radio stations. It seeks to raise awareness of the consequences of undiagnosed chronic hepatitis B and encourages people to ask their doctor for a hepatitis B test. Launched on the heels of a series of radio interviews with key community leaders, the new campaign will feature two PSAs, including a 40-second dialogue between two friends where one becomes concerned about her own wellbeing when her friend reveals the news of her personal diagnosis.

The PSA highlights the importance of talking openly about hepatitis B, according to Faten Solaqa, project officer for the Arabic Hepatitis B Project at MHAHS.

“The PSA conversation highlights how our conversations with our family, friends and community can help protect the health of the whole community and reduce the spread of hepatitis B. It also emphasises the importance of supporting each other and asking your doctor for a hepatitis B test," said Ms Solaqa.

The PSAs will be broadcast twice a day for two months on 2MFM (Muslim Community radio), Voice of Charity and 2ME radio beginning in May and will further encourage the listeners to get the facts about hepatitis B from the MHAHS website.

Audio files

Radio station name


PSA 2 (dialogue)

For more information about the PSA campaign, please contact Faten Solaqa of the Arabic Community Hepatitis B Project on 9515 1234 or email Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.

New MHAHS campaign to promote HIV daily prevention pill PrEP

The MHAHS is launching a social media campaign on PrEP to raise awareness and reduce HIV infections among people from diverse backgrounds.

The campaign will focus on PrEP as an effective method of HIV prevention.

"The PrEP campaign is an important initiative in our ongoing effort against HIV," said Barbara Luisi, manager of the MHAHS.

 “We need people to know their HIV status, and what they can do to prevent HIV.”

The PrEP Social Media campaign is designed to encourage individuals at risk of HIV to consider PrEP, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, as a method of HIV prevention. PrEP is a daily pill that protects you from HIV infection. Since 1 April this year PrEP has been  available from pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. PrEP is up to 99 percent effective in preventing HIV infection.

Click here for more information on PrEP in different languages.

MHAHS supports Asian gay men’s survey

The MHAHS is urging gay men from Asian backgrounds to participate in the Gay Asian Men’s Survey (GAYAMS) that collects information from men on HIV and sexual health, sexual practices, relationships and other behaviours.

The survey findings are an important source of data on issues affecting the well being of gay Asian men, according to ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill.

“Overseas-born gay men, particularly from Asian backgrounds, continue to face barriers to appropriate HIV prevention messaging, treatment and care,” Parkhill said. “Recent HIV data from NSW Health has indicated HIV notifications among overseas-born gay and homosexually active men have not seen similar rates of decline as experienced by Australian-born gay men,” said Mr Parkhill.

MHAHS manager, Barbara Luisi acknowledges the challenge of recruiting people from diverse backgrounds to participate in the survey but is confident that people respond when approached appropriately.

"The lack of participation is often due to lack of cultural sensitivity or lack of effort to include people from diverse backgrounds. The use of multilingual tools to engage with Asian gay men is an important step in overcoming language barriers. We applaud this effort and are confident it will bear the right results over time,” Ms Luisi said.

“MHAHS urges gay Asian men to participate in the survey, so more effective HIV and sexual health resources and programs can be tailored for this diverse group.”

Running from March to June, GAYAMS will target men aged 18 years and older, who have had sex with other men in the past five years, are currently living in NSW, and self-identifying as having an Asian background.

The survey will be conducted at selected venues around Sydney and is available in five languages including English, Chinese (simplified), Thai, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesia. It can also be completed online at www.gayams.org.au

GAYAMS is conducted in partnership by the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gay Men’s Action Group, which consists of ACON, the University of NSW’s Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney Metro Local Health Districts, and the Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service.