Testing Options

HIV Testing Options
Quick, Easy, Private Testing

Why get a HIV test?

  • Anyone can get HIV. The only way to find out if you have HIV is by having a HIV test.
  • A HIV test is easy, safe and private.

Where to get a HIV test?

There are many options to get a HIV test.
HIV testing is free if you have a Medicare card. If you are a temporary visitor in NSW and don’t have a Medicare card, the best options for you are:

Sexual Health Clinics

Testing for HIV at NSW Sexual Health Clinics is free, easy and confidential. At some clinics you don’t need a Medicare Card and don’t need to give your real name if you don’t want to.

For more information about which health service is the best for you and where to go, call the Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624. Always call first to see if you are eligible for an appointment.

If you prefer to speak in your own language, you can call the Telephone Interpreter Service on 13 14 50 (free call).

Rapid HIV testing sites

Rapid HIV testing community centres, called a[TEST], are available for men who have sex with men only, and are free. A small drop of blood from your finger is used to test for HIV. The result is ready in 30 minutes.

‘At-home’ HIV test (DBS)

The Dried Blood Spot (DBS) test is free and confidential. You order it online and you do it at home. You use the small needle provided in the test kit to collect a few drops of blood from your finger and send it to a laboratory for testing. You get the result in a week. Click here for more information about DBS in your language.

‘MyTest’ HIV test


You can choose to test your health in private with a free MyTest HIV self-test kit. Results are available in 15 minutes. MyTest HIV self-test kits can be collected from vending machines across NSW.

Click here to find vending machine locations. Click here to access multilingual flyers for more information about MyTest in your language.

Family Planning Clinics

Family Planning Clinics offer a range of reproductive and sexual health services, including sexually transmissible infections testing and treatment, contraception information and procedures, and pregnancy options counselling. Consultation fees may apply.

General Practitioner (GP)

Ask your doctor (GP) for a HIV test. This is the most common type of test. Your doctor takes a blood sample and sends it to a laboratory to test for HIV. Consultation and testing fees may apply.

Want to know more?

Click here for more information about HIV in your language.