MHAHS supports Asian gay men’s survey

The MHAHS is urging gay men from Asian backgrounds to participate in the Gay Asian Men’s Survey (GAYAMS) that collects information from men on HIV and sexual health, sexual practices, relationships and other behaviours.

The survey findings are an important source of data on issues affecting the well being of gay Asian men, according to ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill.

“Overseas-born gay men, particularly from Asian backgrounds, continue to face barriers to appropriate HIV prevention messaging, treatment and care,” Parkhill said. “Recent HIV data from NSW Health has indicated HIV notifications among overseas-born gay and homosexually active men have not seen similar rates of decline as experienced by Australian-born gay men,” said Mr Parkhill.

MHAHS manager, Barbara Luisi acknowledges the challenge of recruiting people from diverse backgrounds to participate in the survey but is confident that people respond when approached appropriately.

"The lack of participation is often due to lack of cultural sensitivity or lack of effort to include people from diverse backgrounds. The use of multilingual tools to engage with Asian gay men is an important step in overcoming language barriers. We applaud this effort and are confident it will bear the right results over time,” Ms Luisi said.

“MHAHS urges gay Asian men to participate in the survey, so more effective HIV and sexual health resources and programs can be tailored for this diverse group.”

Running from March to June, GAYAMS will target men aged 18 years and older, who have had sex with other men in the past five years, are currently living in NSW, and self-identifying as having an Asian background.

The survey will be conducted at selected venues around Sydney and is available in five languages including English, Chinese (simplified), Thai, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesia. It can also be completed online at

GAYAMS is conducted in partnership by the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gay Men’s Action Group, which consists of ACON, the University of NSW’s Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney Metro Local Health Districts, and the Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service.

MHAHS Newsletter set for Overhaul

The MHAHS is undertaking a major re-design of its internal flagship newsletter, the MHAHS News. Set to come into effect in time for the Winter 2018 edition, the new MHAHS News will incorporate a new layout that is more accessible and can carry a variety of online editorial content than before.

The major re-design – the first since its inception in the mid 1990s – comes off the back of numerous MHAHS attempt’s to keep the publication relevant and useful to its workforce. While overall the responses to the publication has been positive, new technologies and new opportunities for even more engagement with the staff is a key factor behind the change.

There will a strong emphasis on producing editions that will provide content that is relevant and useful to our Cultural Support Officers (CSOs), according to MHAHS News editor, Riza Yaman.

“While it is important that the look and feel of our new publication reflects the changing times, the changes that we will make will also put the needs of our CSOs first and help keep our communications open for further engagements,” said Mr Yaman.

The new newsletter will be built on the popular email newsletter building platform MailChimp and will be easier to send and evaluate.

The newsletter had been an important channel of communication for over two decades for the MHAHS.

MHAHS News has carried many kinds of news over the years. It has carried the messages of various MHAHS managers, the arrivals and departures of numerous CSOs across a range of language groups, research and community events. And who can forget the often courageous and personal stories shared by our CSOs. We hope our future editions will only enhance the availability of these elements and make them more accessible,” said Mr Yaman.

MHAHS and Art Resistance set to reunite for new video production

The MHAHS and Art Resistance, are teaming up once again for a hepatitis C video series. Aimed at supporting Hepatitis Awareness Week in July this year, the new venture is part of the broader NSW Health Viral Hepatitis Communication Strategy, and will include stories of people from diverse cultural backgrounds who have undergone hepatitis C treatment.

The joint venture will be the team’s first outing since co-producing the highly successful video on HIV and hepatitis C Everybody’s Business almost 10 years ago.

Everybody’s Business was a very important HIV and hepatitis C education resource in Australia, particularly for culturally diverse communities, according to Denise Voros.

Everybody’s Business was a staple education resource for community HIV and hepatitis C workers across much of Australia in the early 2000s. The videos were well received and were praised for their clarity, simplicity, cultural appropriateness and above all for their humour and liveliness. The resource was adaptable that made it easy for people to discuss what is an otherwise difficult topic,” said Ms Voros.

Produced in English, Indonesian, Khmer, Somali, Thai, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese languages, the innovative resource won the Government Category of the 1999 Ethnic Affairs Multicultural Marketing Award.

Here is hoping for another memorable outing.

Arabic hepatitis B sessions popular

Hepatitis B awareness may be low in the community but recent information sessions organised by our Arabic Hepatitis B Project are proving increasingly popular. More than 5 community organisations have joined our project to organise information sessions and so far over 50 community members attended these sessions.

Faten Solaqa, Arabic Hepatitis B Project Officer acknowledged the community support as the key ingredient to the ongoing success of the project.

“We were lucky to have the support of key community organisations. The support we have from community organisations such as Parents Café Fairfield, SydWest Multicultural Services, Tripoli and Mena Association and Community First Step is vital,” Ms Solaqa said.

Ms Solaqa explained the sessions were part of a strategy to increase awareness of hepatitis B in the community and said she was happy with how the sessions had gone.

“All the sessions have gone well. We had lots of feedback on how good the sessions were and how much people have learnt to keep their families safe and healthy,” she said.

Ms Solaqa appreciated the range of questions people asked at these sessions and said she was pleased to see such a good turnout for the event.

“There is so much misinformation about hepatitis B in the community, so I think to have an event like this that promotes accurate information is very important. Over time, such sessions will certainly draw even more interest,” Ms Solaqa said.

The project will hold its next two information sessions at Community First Step in Fairfield on 19th and 26th April.

If you are interested in attending these sessions, or would like further information on how to organise a session, please call Faten Solaqa on 9515 1234 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.